In addition to articles, reports, and opinions, Nirmalkumar Mohandoss & Associates will be bringing to you short interviews of persons and groups who have been gaining limelight in recent times.
Our first such interview is with the latest buzz in the legal blogging world: Lexhodie. Within a short span since their launch they have managed to gather quite a lot of momentum. Who are they? What is their agenda? The secret behind their growth and much more!
We have been getting posts from lexhodie online for sometime now. Your team looks very young. What do you do?
Firstly, thank you for recognizing us. Indeed as you say we are a relatively young team of 13 budding lawyers from Chennai. Our legal education has inculcated in us a sense of responsibility towards the society and what we have at hand is our little knowledge, which we intend to share with the non law fraternity. We were thinking of various ways to reach out and what seemed feasible was a blog, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. This began the nascent sprouting of Lex Hodie.
What's the purpose of lexhodie? What does it intend to do?
Lexhodie, in latin means 'Law Today'. At Lexhodie, we aim to annihilate the legal ignorance present in the society. We endorse the fact that the root of all problems is treating one life lesser than the other. This attitude can be curbed only when both the parties are aware of their rights and duties. Hence we do our bit of research and present it in a simple manner for everyone to comprehend and assimilate.
Bunch of college students, how did you conceive this idea?
Observation was where it all began. Several issues faced by people in their daily lives (harassment, abuse, monetary loss due to another party etc) are intertwined with law. We felt legal awareness can aid in the development of any society. Hence, we created Lexhodie as a powerful medium to create legal awareness. Indeed, we have always been passionate about Law and had a zeal to make a change in the society. We hope we achieve our dreams.
Have you set any target for lexhodie to achieve? What's the destination of your journey?
Our destination would be reached when every citizen of this country becomes aware of their legal rights, duties and the basic legal provisions. It indeed is a tough row to hoe but it is not an impossible task. The destination is the pinnacle and we have just begun taking baby steps in our journey.
Team work often requires co-operation & co-ordination within and outside. How do you work as a team, particularly considering it's size?
We, the founders, have always shared a beautiful bonding both on personal and professional grounds. While choosing our team mates, we were very careful and ensured that the most deserving people with social responsibility are inducted. Hence, cooperation is not a big deal because we are working together for a greater cause and we have mutual respect towards each other.
What does lexhodie benefit out of it's mission? Does it at all?
Of course, yes! At the end of the day, we get a job satisfaction which is very rare in today's materialistic world. Also, the rewards are abstract and immeasurable. We have been wholeheartedly thanked by most common people who approach us with law queries. Interestingly, these are people we do not know in person. Still, the heartfelt thanks they say pumps up our veins to perform better.
To elaborate here, we have a separate column in our blog page called "PROBONO AID" where we offer free tailor-made, knowledge-based aid to those who reach out to us as Anonymous Querists. We send our researched response back to them. Some of our friends from other streams also avail this. We are neither qualified nor experienced to render elaborate legal advice, so we just try enlightening the existing provisions (to our limited knowledge) in a lucid and user-friendly manner.
How have you been fairing since you launched lexhodie? How have you reached people?
To be honest, our first month reach was beyond what we expected. As we said, social media has been our medium of reach. There are word of mouth references too. At one instance, a lady (apparently naive and desolate) who came to know about us through her friend reached out to us to know the legal rights which she had against her husband who subjected her to domestic violence. This, in a way, shows the trust that people have on us.
You have plans of expansion? And strategies to reach out to more people?
Yes, we have a lot of new ideas to be incorporated which in turn will mandate expansion. We have two important strategies to reach out to people-
Firstly, we try to understand what would be essential to the common public.
Secondly, we choose right platforms to promote our content.
We have other plans which we are discussing and we will start implementing them on a trial and error basis.
How has the reception for your initiative been?
It was far better than what we expected. We have been overwhelmed by the response which we received and this assured us that we always have people to genuinely support good and responsible initiatives. We are also receiving umpteen suggestions which we are trying to work out.
We wish you the best in the days to come! Thanks for the good work!
Welcome! and thank you for having us with you today!
(Find Lexhodie here: