Let us hear from Cardio Thoracic Vascular surgeon, Dr. M. Bharath Kumar about the on going pandemic, the home remedies, vaccination, cardio-vascular impact, the black fungus & much more!
- Do any home remedies like steam inhaling, consuming Kabasura Kudineer help to prevent/mitigate COVID’19?
Only social distancing, using face masks and frequent hand wash & sanitizing will help you prevent getting infected. Steam inhalation and warm salt water gargling might help prevent throat pain among patients having mild symptoms and those who are home quarantined. We are not sure about kabasura kudineer as we are not aware of its chemical composition, how it interacts with other medications and also about its effects on our organs.
- What's the deal with black fungus and white fungus? How worried should we be?
Fungal infection is usually common among patients who are immunosuppressed. Now there is an increase in mucormycosis (black fungus) infection rate, especially in elderly patients who are chronic diabetics and those who were treated with steroids and immunosuppressive drugs for covid infection. With proper & timely care, there is no necessity to worry.
- We are hearing a lot of incidences of cardiac arrests in severe covid patients. Why?
There is an increase in thromboembolic (increased blood clotting) episodes among patients infected with covid virus. This is the cause of cardiac arrest. And covid virus is also known to cause myocarditis (inflammation of cardiac cells) in a few patients.
- Due to the pandemic, people are hesitating to go to the hospital for their annual preventive health check-up. What alternative would you suggest?
Now there is a boom in teleconsultation. Today, people can avoid stepping out of their houses and get medically evaluated from wherever they are. Many laboratories and centres are collecting samples at doorsteps these days. They can avail all these facilities.
- People, especially elderly, are not stepping out at all. Physical activity is restricted. Work from home has made it worse. Any Suggestions, doctor?
People should do floor exercises like sit ups, push ups, simple stretching exercises and skipping. They can walk on their terrace or inside their premises. People should especially focus on their diet and avoid junk foods & fast foods.
- People want to take the vaccine but are scared because of the hearsay. What are the actual, real risks of the vaccine?
I will put it this way: People who are vaccinated are safer and might contract only the milder form of COVID’19 even if they do. So, they should go for the vaccine. And all vaccines, for that matter, have side effects. We need not panic about vaccination.
- While the focus of all medical infrastructure is on Covid patients, how are other patients treated? Is there a stress?
People fear to visit hospitals these days. As said earlier, if it is not of any emergency, they can avail the teleconsultation services. However, most hospitals are open for non-COVID emergency services. If it is an emergency situation, people can always go for emergency services without any panic.
- Do non covid patients have ventilators and oxygen?
Yes, hospitals have made arrangements to treat non covid emergencies.
(Dr. M. BHARATH KUMAR is a Cardio Thoracic Vascular surgeon at Chennai. He can be reached at drbharathkumarmohandoss@gmail.com)